October 2017 - THIS week's PICTURE

Tom not looking at a picture in the Kluge, Charlottesville: photo by Malcolm Aslett

Recently, I have done a lot of photographs of the interiors of galleries. This is one of my favourites because it is so daft.

Explaning to a young boy why he should enjoy an art gallery is akin to building an airplane out of yoghurt: It really isn't going to fly. And so we have the lad stretched out on a bench - a bench keenly placed for added comfort in perusal being used merely for the purpose of belly surfing, utterly oblivious of the pleasant-but-not-earth-stopping work on display.

The figure is 'not to scale', with the proportions messed about so the red pants are larger than they need be. None of the verticals or horizontals are dead on, all being slightly askew.

I think it's funny.







